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Python: The Future of Computer Science

There have been many recent innovations in computer science, especially in artificial intelligence and machine learning. These rapidly growing fields are changing our daily lives. When we browse the internet, make a purchase, answer surveys, and do captcha questions we are training machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms, making them smarter.


There is a Gender Bias in STEM

Not only are there staggering numbers showing a stark gender imbalance in STEM, but individual experiences of women all around us show that discrimination and bias are more rampant than one might think. What can women and girls do to fight these hurdles and pursue their goals in a field where they may be the only woman in the room?


Stop Trying to Learn How to Code

“Learn for the sake of learning,” they say. “Cultivate your mind,” they say. Have you ever questioned that?


Using Nature to Inspire Computer Science

What do ecology and coding have in common?


Coding for Careers

Do you want to protect the world from hackers?


Codefy Java Classes

“What is 3/6 in Java?” a mentor asks the Zoom java class.


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